The everyday life of an everyday woman with a passion for writing, and a dream… Mommeeeee! I need help wiping! Oh yes, and five little kids.

Monday, October 4, 2010

New Perspective

I love every October and April when General Conference rolls around.  I love getting to sit back and listen to the words and counsel from our Prophet and Apostles. Of course the T.V. is generally blaring at deafening decibels to be heard over the chaos of little kids, but despite this, it has such a peaceful calming effect.  I especially loved the talk by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf as he spoke of when we reach life's turbulence or speed bumps, the best course is to slow down, simplify, and stick to the fundamentals.  It was just what I needed to hear as I've tried to keep up with my family, my writing, my calling, my health and yes...keep my house clean! (in fact that is what I'm doing after I'm done with this post, it is absolutely driving me crazy!) I know we all get caught up in so many good and worthy causes that we  begin to wear ourselves down and forget not to do more than we are physically able.  We forget that it is okay to take a step back and say, "That won't get done today, this is the most important." But it is up to us to determine what is that which is most important.  For me, it is my relationships with my husband, my children, my family, and God.  And as much as I hate to admit is not a top priority, although I tend to forget that frequently!  I wish transcripts of his talk were available so I could share some of my favorites segments, but unfortunately they are not so I'll have to post those at a later date.  For now it is enough to say, I feel strengthened, and refocused after such a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely LOVED that talk too! Rarely do we ever hear anything "new" at Conference, but we get reminded of things we've often put by the wayside. Any talk that's about simplifying or choosing better or best ways to spend our time are often my favorite because it gives me that push to spend my time more wisely--which I always need!
