Well, I'm back.
Suffering from chronic pain for the past several years has taught me my body's limitations. Of course, life doesn't always accommodate those limitations. Moving a household of seven, twice in less than two years has its downfalls. Of course, it has had it's many ups as well. I have been blessed to add so many wonderful people to my life. People who have made a difference. Made me a better person. But, to keep myself going. To function as a mother, wife, and friend, I had to overcome the trauma my body faced. Medication and rest helped me physically, but I was missing.
Dustin continually encouraged me to write. I didn't want to, and when I tried it ended in nothing but frustration. I ignored the blog (obviously!). I ignored my books and characters.
My back decided it was done with less invasive treatments and when bed rest did nothing for pain, my medications were switched. As the medication I had taken for nearly a year for pain management wore out of my body, I found myself thinking of my books again. It was as if a lock on my mind opened and suddenly my CREATIVITY and DESIRE began to flow.
I had been missing, and didn't realize it until that moment.
The cause for a disappearance is always unique, but not always a bad thing, Our lives, our beings are shaped by the collection of these moments. They are the instrument in God's hands shaping us into who we need to become.
I don't regret my disappearance. I look back and see all that I still accomplished, learned, and grew....but DANG I'm glad to be back! :)